
Monday, July 23, 2018

And, now he's (or she's) gone....

So I have been fascinated by a regular visitor to this blog for the last three or so weeks.  The visits stopped early on 7/20.  The visitor had a unique signature.  He (or she) was careful to always visit the home page then another obscure page from 2013.  Almost always two page views per visit.   The visits were  an hour or so apart.  He or she was shown to be in Russia.   He or she used mostly the Chrome browser but occasionally Firefox.  That is all I know.

So, was there a message in these clicks?  I don't know.  I couldn't see one, but maybe I am not thinking of all the possibilities.   I considered earlier the click code.  There are not enough characters used.  I considered Morse code because there was some variation in the timing of the visits.  I recently read about Columbian hostage rescue in which the Morse code message was embedded in a popular song.  This was a really cool idea and it worked.  But, in this case, I could not see any way that an ending dot of a character could be distinguished from an ending dash.  Because the blogger analytics are reported hourly, the sender would have to time his visits hourly for dots, two hours for dashes and several hours for end of character.   This would be a miserably tedious way to send a message.  Because the visits were sustained for several weeks, I am certain that it was intentional.  Not sure about whether it was a bot or not.

My current theory is that the clicks were in response to my web surfing.  I am aware but do not own or use software that tracks individuals who visit a page.  I think my Russian visitor does.  I think my surfing attracted someone's attention and they figured out where my blogspot was located and clicked on it in response to my visits to their blog page or Twitter account.  Just a theory.

I enjoyed the game while it lasted and wish you well my Russian friend.  If you happen to be Vladimir Putin, please go easy on Donald.  He is not very bright and has a nasty temper.

Here is the last of the logged visits.  The three clicks since 7/20 seem random and unconnected to the visitor.  One was from UK, one from France, and one was me mistakenly clicking on my own page.  They did not match the Russian visitor's signature.

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