It is Christmas and I am trying my best to give the bicycle wheel truing algorithm away. The bicycle wheel is in moving toward a release for free use. Actually, there is already a release, albeit one suitable for a limited audience. I made contact with some cyclists who also happen to work for Mathworks. I translated my algorithm from Scilab to Matlab and uploaded two cases to the Mathworks File Exchange to facilitate the work with Mathworks folks. It is my sincere hope that this collaboration with Mathworks will result in something for the bicycling community. But, since the algorithm is on the Mathworks File Exchange server which is up in the public domain, if you are a Matlab programmer and have a copy of Matlab on you computer and want to get really deep into coding to see how this great idea works, you can go here
and here
For the rest of the world, the plan at the moment is to develop a graphical user interface that calls the Matlab routines as royalty-free, compiled functions. The graphical user interface should make it accessible to an average person who knows how to use a browser. I am currently working on a version that embeds the truing algorithm in an Excel spreadsheet. A user would be able to download the spreadsheet and true his wheel.
I am also adding features to check the design of the submitted wheel. I will calculate the spoke tension under limiting load conditions so that the maximum and minimum tension are calculated. The maximum should be compared to the yield stress of the spoke and the load limit of the rim at the spoke seat. The minimum is compared to zero tension. Zero tension means the spoke is slack and not supporting the rim. I will also calculate the spoke tension for buckling, deflection at maximum load, and other parameters that are useful in wheel design. This project is still challenging and fun. I hope to engage others in pursuing the many ideas the spring from the development.
I am giving away my part of the bicycle wheel truing work. That is great and to all of you who download and use the algorithm, you are welcome. It still is not totally free because you still need wheel truing gear. [Disclaimer, I get nothing from the equipment suppliers from whom you purchase your wheel truing gear.] This is what you will need. You will need a wheel truing stand with dial indicators for the radial and lateral displacement measurements and a tension meter. I think digital indicators make the job infinitely easier than mechanical indicators. I personally have been keeping Park Tool Company ( afloat for the past couple of years with my many purchases. Among them, I have a Park 2.2 truing stand and the dial indicator accessory TS 2DI. I also have one of every type of spoke wrench Park Tool sells. I replaced the mechanical indicators in the TS 2DI with iGaging digital units. It was a one for one swap. Igaging is a great place to get innovative digital measuring tools, I am waiting for the multiplexed wireless indicators to be available from iGaging for this application, All three measurements use an indicator device so potentially the truing operation could avoid transferring readings manually from the indicator to the computer. You can use any spoke tension measurement that you prefer. I have a Park TM-1 and I also have Douglas Pepelko's most excellent app for measuring tension with an iPhone. You can get his app from the iTunes store:
I crave a WheelFanatyk tension meter but am holding out for a tool that interfaces wirelessly with the bicycle wheel algorithm. I hope wheelfanatyk will adopt the iGaging indicators with wireless communication to make my truing system really computerized.